Why Tween Photography?
I believe in the importance of tween photography (and teen photography).
You hear it all the time- from friends, family, on social media, everywhere. Time flies and kids grow up fast!
I remember being pregnant and being amazed at how fast my baby went from literally the size of a peanut to an actual baby. Yes, it took months but I know people who have taken more time to build a Lego Star Destroyer.
As my kids grew, I still watched them fascinated- noticing how their features changed by tiny increments almost daily. They transformed from toddlers into little kids almost it seemed, in the blink of an eye. And then the changes stopped being as noticeable on the outside. They were still the same kids.
But something happens around the age of 9 and 10. The changes start to speed up and the next thing you know, your little boy is no longer your little boy. He’s now standing eye to eye with you. It can happen so fast! I’m watching it happen now!
So why should you consider tween photography?
I’ve talked about how Tween Sessions can be a great experience that can boost your child’s self-esteem and give them a better self-image but there is also a more selfish reason for moms and dads to plan a photo session for their tween or teen…
Because tweens can change so much in just one year.
Check this out… Same boy. One year difference.

(L) 2015 (R) 2016
The image on the left is from my son’s 10 yr photo session downtown in Pittsburgh’s Strip District in 2015. The image on the right is from his 11 yr photo session, shot last summer (2016) while vacationing in Long Beach Island, NJ. Tell me you don’t see the changes!!
It’s not just his height that changed but I believe that in these images you see the beginning transition from a little boy into a young man. As an artist and photographer, it’s fascinating to watch. As a mom, I admit, it tugs at my heart quite a bit.
Here he is this year! More growth, more change!
Two more images from 10!
And two more from 11!
This is where I see the changes. Don’t let the poses fool you. He’s still my goofy boy but he’s becoming more mature. I have to admit, my heart melts because I still see that sweet baby boy that I held.
These next few years are going to be full of changes. I love that these images show how my boy has grown!
For more information on Tween sessions or to schedule a session for your child and family, send me a message! I would be happy to talk with you!