Summer Session with My Beach Girl
The beach is my happy place! The breezes, the salty air, the sound of waves crashing… all of those little details combine to bring me just enough joy that I can overlook my annoyance with sandy feet.
The Jersey Shore has been our beach destination for the past several years and I’ve always wanted to do beach pictures. Unfortunately, I never seem to have the time or a cooperative subject. The days pass so quickly on vacation. And my little beach girl is more interested in playing than posing!
This year, I made a point of doing some planning and making it happen. It helped that it became more important to my girl when she saw the pretty dress that I picked up for the session.
It worked out perfectly! My girl in her dress with sun-kissed cheeks and salty hair on the beach with the setting sun.
- Subject – tween girl
- Location- Long Beach Island, New Jersey
Take the Time
I look back at these images and I’m so happy that I took them. That I made the time to take them. My girl is growing. I’m seeing her transform from a little girl into a young lady. Images like this freeze those moments. I can look back at how carefree she danced in the waves in the dress that was a little too big. I can remember her chasing seagulls, running and laughing with her crazy hair blowing in the wind.
My advice to you and to all the parents out there- take the pictures! Don’t direct. Don’t force looks and smiles. Sit back and observe and take the pictures. Be the document-er of your child’s history. Not just when they’re little but also as they grow.