Did you know that you don’t need a beautiful white studio or field of wildflowers to get a set of gorgeous portraits? Well, you don’t. Actually, beauty is all around us, especially in a gorgeous city like Pittsburgh and there are prime locations for portraits just about everywhere you look. You just have to be willing to look and think outside the box a bit.
I’ve been photographing this little girl for many years now. I love watching her grow and change from a shy little toddler to this active young lady. However, it can be challenging to shoot portraits but not have them look like the previous year’s pictures. We’ve been to Hartwood and we’ve been to Phipps and we’ve been to Mellon Park. This year Mom was hoping to have the session at their new home but things weren’t working out as expected. That’s when I suggested a city session- that we walk around the neighborhood they are leaving and have her portraits there. It’s a beautiful spot and then as time passes, they can look back and remember their neighborhood.
This worked out even better than expected because being at their house meant that we could go for a walk, take some pictures, run home and get warm, then go back out. This kept everyone happy and with feeling in their fingers and toes 🙂
We started by just walking down the streets. I loved the addition of Mom’s sparkly purse the match her shoes. So stylish!
Then we found some cute places to take a little rest.
As you can see, she’s just gorgeous!
After an outfit change, we headed back towards a little park in her neighborhood that happened to have a ton of leaves!
Perfect for jumping and tossing!
You probably wouldn’t have guessed that these shots were all taken in the same area. It’s important to have an open mind when planning a photo session and to always be willing to really look at your surroundings. You might be surprised by what you can find.
And if you’re thinking about planning a photography session, contact me. I schedule photo sessions all year round and I promise that we can plan something beautiful!