Raise your hand if you’ve heard of Narvon, PA! Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, I didn’t think so but you should definitely plan a visit.
My creative in-laws are always brainstorming ways of getting all of us together in a central location so that none of us have to travel too far. This really can limit possibilities since both Ma and Pa, and Sis and Bro-in-law live on the east coast and with us in Pittsburgh, the middle leaves us in central PA and there’s not always a lot to do there. Now where is Narvon, PA (besides somewhere in between the east coast and Pittsburgh) it’s actually a small town in the Lancaster Area and is just perfect for this small town/country girl. You see, I grew up visiting Lancaster on a regular basis. My dad and stepmom just loved Amish country and would make several trips out during the year. On those trips, my dad started painting farm scenes and other images from the area. His paintings became pretty popular and he was even invited to participate in a yearly art show at one of the local tourist shopping areas, Kitchen Kettle Village. Lots of memories there. But this trip was about making new memories!
We stayed in a beautiful old farmhouse complete with a barn and cows, a roaming chicken and a picturesque pond in the backyard. And while there, I decided to pass the camera off to the kids to let them capture our vacation and oh my…
The owners of the guest house offer a tour of their dairy farm so we were able to learn a little about how a modern dairy farm produces milk. Sadie really struggled with the smells but the camera provided a good distraction.
Then we decided to visit Strasburg, PA and the Pennsylvania Rail Road Museum (because this family is all about museums). After checking out the museum, we took a ride on the train and this time, Caleb took over the camera and managed to snap a great one of Papa.
Sadie was not as happy to have her brother taking her pictures
I’m really enjoying sharing something that I love with my kids and being able to see these experiences through their eyes!
It was such a perfect little mini vacation for us to relax and be refreshed to push through to the end of the school year.