Hi there moms,
This is going to be hard but it not only needs to be said, but it also needs to be acted on.
I’ve always maintained that I stay behind the camera for a reason. I’m horribly uncomfortable when it’s on me. I’ve always been incredibly self-conscious and the camera seems to zoom in on all of my flaws and imperfections. Then that nasty little voice in my head points out even more ways that I don’t measure up- the weight I haven’t lost, the acne that I somehow dodged in high school but has hit me in my 30s, the chapped lips because I bite them when I get anxious and as a mom, I’m anxious a lot. The flaws always seem to overshadow the bits that I do like about myself. It’s not fun!
But here’s the thing. Our image in a photograph is different from what we see in the mirror. Take a moment and think about that.
Our image in a photograph is different from what we see in the mirror.
Our picture in a photograph is different from what we see in the mirror multiple times a day. And for many, the biggest issue with seeing yourself in a photograph is that it doesn’t look like what you’re used to seeing. The mirror reinforces one idea of how you look and then a camera gives you a different idea of how you look. The image in the photograph looks unfamiliar and feels off so you search for the reasons why it isn’t right. and you end up noticing all of those little imperfections that feed the frustration. You can read more about the discrepancy between the mirror and the photo in this article. As someone who is very much into images and figuring things out, I find it fascinating.
Here’s the thing. My kids don’t see those flaws. They see their mom and love and beauty that I might never acknowledge. And that’s what your kids see in you.
So what do we do?
What I’m asking you to do is to not shy away from photos, especially photos with your kids. They want to have pictures of their mom and with their mom.
They’re going to want to have images of that mama loving on them when they were babies and utterly exhausted but still smiling because they had that precious child in their arms.
Your kids are going to want to have images of their mama tickling them as little balls of energy bouncing around the yard because they will remember all of the fun they had playing with mama.
They’re going to want to have images of their mama squeezing them as they grew older and taller because they’ll remember that even though they couldn’t fit in a lap as big kids, they always fit perfectly in mama’s arms.
And they’re going to want to have that image of them smiling and laughing with mama when they’re grown and dancing on their wedding day.