Senior Portraits in Pittsburgh’s South Side
A South Side senior session was perfect for this Brentwood senior. The area had a perfect mix of urban and green space. Plus there’s the added feature of the Hot Metal Bridge. This was John’s choice for his senior portraits and as I found, there were plenty of great spots for photos.
John is my first Class of 2020 senior for the season! He’s an active athlete at Brentwood High School participating in football, basketball, and track. With how tall he is, it’s easy to see him being successful and he took the opportunity with his portraits to show off some of the track medals he earned this past year.
Hot Metal Bridge to show off some Track Medals
( 😀 lol, you see what I did there) My daughter would be rolling her eyes because she’s very anti-pun at the moment but I’m quite happy with corny things.
Anyways, we started the session walking over to the bridge and dodging bikers and joggers all along the way.
Brentwood High School Senior | Class of 2020
This kid has the best hair!
After leaving the bridge and walking the streets a little, it was time to change into a dressier look for the second half of the session. So we walked back towards the SouthSide Works.
This session was perfect for capturing his two looks while also being able to feature his track medals in some. You might think there wouldn’t be enough time and we would be rushing but that’s not the case. We had plenty of time to walk to the locations, chat about his plans for the summer and beyond, while also getting some great portraits. It’s important to plan for senior portraits but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming event.
Are you ready to schedule your senior portraits? Contact me and let’s talk!